media is without doubt a rewarding marketing channel, but it can
often be a slippery domain for small businesses. To be effective
these not-so-big-businesses need to plan a sound strategy and
implement it in a calculative way.
out 5 most effective social media strategy tips &insights that can bring
sure fire success in business.
Up Your Brand Messaging
Get the ball rolling by
creating messaging categories and tones that match up with your
goals, mission statement and branding. Also make sure to align all
messaging categories and tones to your
business. And last of all make sure your 'voice' is relevant to your
brand, industry and audience.
Up a Timetable and Stick To It
make your social media investment worth it you need to put into
practice time management. Once you know what your real strategy andgoals are break them down into quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily
objectives. Keep track of your goals, it will help you and your team
to stay on task and be more effective all around.
The results from social media channels come
slowly, so don't feel dejected if your strategy is not bearing
fruits. Invest your time in developing relationships with fellow influencer and your audience. A credible reputation cannot be built
overnight, you have to work on it consistently for long lengths of
time. In the initial phase of building an audience your require huge
amount of efforts, but with time as your audience get bigger it
becomes easier to grow and expand.
Keep a Tab On What is Working
From the outset review success of your efforts and
acknowledge the fact that developments no matter how small are huge
improvements. Don't expect to get 100 followers the first week. If
you are seeing a little increase in followers and engagement each
week, then feel good about it because you are doing well.
Timely Changes
monitoring your actions on a continuous basis and if you find that
something is not working the way you wanted, even after putting in
lot of efforts you should eliminate it. If a certain messaging is not
resonating with your audience it is time to change it. If you find
your brand has grown on Facebook and Twitter, but has stalled on
LinkedIn, then it calls for a change of strategy. Start spending more
time on platforms that are working and also look for other platforms.